Wednesday, October 22

uri saranghul Park Sang Min R.I.P

Our beloved Park Sang Min is the translation for the title exactly.and yeah..its always so so sad when our beloved one leave this world for eternity,especially when it was all of sudden and without notice(of course u will not be notice or anything when the time come, but still...)this tragically,sudden,shocking news comes and hit me right into my face a little later actually.the real tragedy happen on the -very early- in the morning of 21st august. he rode the motorcycle home right after the wrap-up party of The Strongest Chilwu series and was involved in the accident approx at 1.30 am. it was a sudden death tho. he was reported to be dead on the arrival to the hospital.Lee Oen who real name is Park Sang Min is a model turn actor who captures heart of many fan or viewers of Korean drama in The 1st Coffee Prince aired on MBC. play the -innocent,blurry,the strong muscular blockhead who is totally devoted and loyal to his angel Eun Sae,- Hwang Min Yeop. he also acted a couple(if i'm not mistaken) of movie.he was described by all his seniors in the entertainment stream as an honest,respectful,kind hearted,polite and caring person to everyone. one of the celebs mention on the day of the funeral that she regret that she do not have the chance to take him to dinner(this is what korean always do when u're having a good relationship with them).the funeral took place at Soon-cheon-hyang University Hospital in Hanam-dong. many celebs and his friends show up for paying their last respect to Lee Oen.

i like this guy...a lot...!

all his very personal belongings which he always carry around in that backpack ,note his one pair of converse(another one is gone missing in the targedy)..huuuuu

another pieces of his great pose in the model-side displayed at the funeral too

the coffee prince's jae wook who play Noh Sun Ki trying to avoid the reporter.

his models gang..

his buddies

eric and yoo ah in show up in shock and tired face as they r all up for the wrap-up party the very night,Eric is the 1st person to arrive at the hospital as soon as and decided to stay untill the funeral is settled.

gong yoo took a day break from military service to lead the funeral.

another early-comer to the hospital

many other side of him...

his role in the Strongest Chil-Wu.. Ja-Ja

my 'mourning' desktop

the princes and the princess that he left behind.

the good old times with his models friends..

the actual spot of the tragedy.

may he rest in peace forever...u'll always have that special spot in my heart.....

1 comment:

cik hani said...

dah xde dah diaa...huhu.aku tgk cite ni masa dia dah xde.. :(