Tuesday, February 9

and the crappiest day of my life goes to.....

yes TODAY!

aku cakap benda yang betul kot, ko plak bleh kate aku jeles, kejadahnya aku nak jeles kat orang yang tido.nak2 lepas asar. ko tak nah dengar eh? " cukup pat ploh ari ko tido lepas asar akan dengan izin ALLAH ko mewarisi penyakit gila" tak nah la kot... kalo tak ko tak bwat kan. dan, aku tego bukan sebab ape, sebab ko kawan aku, sebab aku kisah! paham?

dan ko! ko kate susah nak jage hati kawan konon.aku balik2 ko cakap benda yang buat aku rase nak masukkan kaki aku dalam mulut ko.apahal? and one more thing! ape???? susah nak jage hati kawan kate ko? ko penah ke try nak jage hati aku selama ni? aku concern kat ko, keluar ngan sape g mane, dengan sape, ada ko nak jawab bebaik? ada???????? tak....... but instead ko kate susah nak jage hati kawan la kejadah haram lagi. Fine! i'll stay out of ur FUCKING life from now on! ok?puas hati?

dan ko! weyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! tak kira la ko senior aku berapa sem pon, perlu ke ko buat muke ketat ko bila jumpa ngan kitorang????. tak kisah la ko sem berapa pon, tapi kalo ilmu ko tak penuh kat dada dan kalo perangai ko macam tue, jangan kata sebelah mata, bukak mata pun aku taknak bila lalu depan ko!

and yes, you're the one who said i was like that, and when i start acting like one, why bother???just let me be me. and you just continue being you like u always did which is ignoring me. fair enough????

shit, i'm becoming one of them. but the thing is person(s) that i talk about in this post will never ever in million years to come across my blog. at least i'm certain of that. and if they do, soory lah ye. just cannot tell those words straight to your faces. bear with me.


till then;

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